In the movie Pay it Forward, a boy devises a concept to help change the world for the better and the concept of paying it forward is to help three people in a way that will impact their lives in a good way. In addition to helping the three people, you must ask of nothing of value in return, but to instead ask the person to do a good deed to three more people. I feel that this concept truly could make a different in this "shitty" world, but at the same time, because the world is so shitty, I feel that I cannot fully trust that the people that I would hypothetically help. Lots of faith is required for this concept to affect the world, and not everyone is even willing to participate. I believe that it is possible for people to pay it forward, but factors such as the nations economy and location would be big obstacles that could jeopardize the concept as well.
For example, in the movie, Trevor helps a man that was homeless due to his drug addiction by giving him food and shelter for the night. Trevor also helped this man in a tremendous way but giving him the money he had saved so that he could buy new clothes for an interview and although the man got the job, he relapsed into his drug addiction, which goes to show how much faith a person needs for the idea of paying it forward to work.
Personally, I try to help others as much as possible because I gain satisfaction through helping others and I suppose I have most recently paid it forward by chasing down a fellow classmate last Friday to give her back a textbook she had forgotten under her seat. I felt great afterwards and I hope she would do the same if I had forgotten any of my textbooks.